Hello my brilliant people,
It's been a long time/ that i've left you/ waiting...
check me out on Myspace: www.myspace.com/Toneare and www.myspace.com/Reversera
_So what are we? a decade into the blogging craze? and NOW i create a page right?
Yea yea, i know! All these years and the mine of valuable information and insight i've released from in sparce trajections, FINALLY to present itself. Perhaps this is a right of passage of some sorts and i am finally stepping to the vanguard before the people (sans black robes of course).
I am a writer (i think), educator (in my own right), thinker (certainly); un hombre sincero (if nothing else). And it all started this morning when i found myself in one of my conjested stalemate states of artistry/ prophesy (why not), in which i accrue like four days of deep thoughts and commit all intentions to putting it on a page; and of course go limp.
And in hindsight of the word blog flying across my ears and eyes over that same span of time (have you seen the commercial where the dude is totally zoned out, staring blankly at his date rambling on politics across the table from him? yea that one.. when he asks her to his room *she dead pans*- "We can blog" *she cheers*), i decided:
Why wait? why promise to put it all in some sort of historic manifesto to make passage through a printing press? I mean what good to others is a passage that doesn't leave my own head? Why not just share it here? I mean does a book validify my thoughts anymore than a scroll or even writings in the sand? Because certainly the odds that i have access to more people through this blog, than by pushing a manuscript on the streets or even the market are far greater... I'd like to hope.. at this point!
What you will find should you subscribe to my postings, is that i will come across modest most times, yet every now and then will go out on the limb to stand on the shoulder of giants whom took risks in their words and actions (you will also come across and often glimpse past streaks of wordplay and other poetics: see the line you've just glimpsed past). If i ever come off full of sh!t i ask that you excuse me.. i mean, what Latino doesn't run up the meter every once in awhile? going just an entonce too far to make some point he or she would take back if they could set this shit in replay?
Self righteous? I'd rather cede to something more like ambitious! Me!
Tony Rivera: Tone Ri(Verse)era, Reverse Era
Tony Rivera: Tone R.
Tone R: Tone Are (Because while i am, i cant be without you, so in essence We Are)
Tone.Are: Tone Reverse Era (Because im fitna do my part to flip these times)
reverse Era and it spells Are
What you will find is that i do not allege to/ or at least i try not to allege to any strict ideology or creed, and i do not identify with any label which might constrict me, a man of various convictions to any set of people based on one or two shared beliefs. So basically i would argue to differ from any observation of the writings herein that might indicate to the observer that i am Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, a Radical, Sexist, a Tree Hugger, a Racist, Gay, Straight, a Capitalist, a Communist, or Other (although i would probably cosign with you on other) .
For example: I often disagree with my family/friends on the following issues concerning women:
- They feel tattoos on the arm are not for women; I happen to like them.
- They feel a women should 'keep' herself, and this often includes for them the straightening of the hair, make up, 'feminine' footwear, etc... I tend to like it when a woman has a style of her own, or even a conventional style, yet carries it like no one other. And by the way: happy trails on the stomach FUKKIN SEXY! (please though.. do bathe daily)
- I do tend to allow a women into the door first, but thats me. I do not neccessarily believe you are fukked up if you are a man and avoid being chivalrous.
- I personally do believe aborting a fetus is unnatural and violates our human and spiritual balance, yet if something fukked up happend (you were raped for example) and you feel it will keep your emotional, psychological balance i can't knock you (although i may still disagree). Still i do not agree the government has any right to regulate such a personal decision (I do feel it is a decision which should rest on both parents though, if they are in fair standing. Sorry ladies, but men have rights too.)
- I love pornography; I do not love prostitution (yet my gripe is not against the women on this, neither the men necessarily. Somebody's body becomes a material asset, you must ascribe that to a mentality which flows with a social current. Thus it is a socio-economic phenomena and in my view, problem). In fact my vacation to DR would be an ass whooping get-a-way rather than a week in paradise (THAT in turn, would be on the men!).
"BUT WAIT! Based on your premise for what is wrong with prostitution, wouldn't pornography also be a socio-economic problem?"
Nobody is perfect. I have problems like anybody else. And i can be wrong like anybody else. My point is though, that i am a spokesman for ME. And ME was born out of a blend of experiences and teachings and paradigms and lexicons and schools of thought and schools of bull shit and dreams and failures. Not saying that i do not wish to be held accountable for my own actions/ statements, but there are influences all around us whether negative or possitive and it is natural to draw in flux with this. Not to mention, i can give you a million examples on how i am fighting social conditioning on a daily basis (as you should be).
I keep on, i keep strong. The past is of me and i strive to learn myself. At this point all that matters is the future, the now, the now that has just passed 6 words before the last 'passed' being apart of me for the now that comes next because we passed another now 6 words before the 'passed' i just passed. So i set my sights on the future that matters to me, prepared for every now that comes to see me everlasting. And if you can agree that we are everlasting than doesn't it make sense that we aspire to evolve together in suiting this space for our accompanying breath? What would Tao say? What would Jesus say? What would Che say? or Ben Franklin? or Dorothy Day? Nina Simone what would she say?
Here's what i say...
1 comment:
Powerful brother. You are a writer and I am proud and honor for being your friend, brother and camarada.
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