Sunday, November 2, 2008


Scenerios you may_or_may not have imagined
on November 5th, 2008:

Possible result of an Obama victory:
- Hundreds/ possibly thousands of military personel (conservative and/or white) refuse to serve under him.
- Thousands/ possibly millions of citizens (conservative and/or white)refuse to ENLIST
- (On the flip side perhaps) Thousands/ possibly millions of citizens decide TO enlist with a restored faith in the system *especially young Black men and women

- Small angry mobs in the 'deep south' and isolated pockets in northern suburbs take to the streets to taunt, terrorize, assault, and in cases even murder Blacks.
- A select breed of sore civil servants in public agencies including hospitals, schools, etc. react by invalidating the victory; surpressing the high spirits of the people they serve. (we call these haters)
- Obama Victory celebrations light up homes across the nation.
- Millions come to tears over this moment in history (*especially folks whove lived through the civil rights era)
- Obama is assassinated

- A wave of disinvestment brings the stock market down even more
- (on the flip side perhaps) A wave of INvestments, from fresh progressive capitalists -nationally and internationally- creates a surge
- Al Quida releases a video saying they don't give a shit about who we've elected!
- World Leaders voice their satisfaction and congrats to Obama

- The Republican Party makes its last pitches, contesting the election before disappearing into obscurity for some time.
- (Or on the flip side) John McCain refuses to contest, immediately vowing to continue serving in govnt under Obama respectfully, and is disowned by the rest of the Republican party.

Possible results of a McCain victory:
- Protesters take to the streets suspecting a stolen election.
- lawsuits commence against states where voter disenfranchisement is charged.
- Small pockets of violence and destruction of property in cities.
- Universities hold intense demonstrations (may even result in the closing of some schools for the days that follow)

- Stock market falls all the more because of disinvestment by native as well as international capitalists whom have lost trust in the prevailing system under McCain.
- World Leaders release statments urging a McCain administration to be more open to diplomacy than was the reality under Bush.

- Democratic party contests the election with Obama at its forefront.
- (Or on the flip side) Obama vows to sponsor an investigation, yet cedes the election to McCain.

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