Saturday, July 12, 2008

Police State

Make no mistakes about it:
During this day in history
We are living in a police state!

I am really not inspired to kick this blog off anymore eloquently.
It's just a point blank reality. I've felt compelled to write this blog for weeks now, after hearing that a case involving a homeless Guatemalan Immigrant (Rene Javier Perez) from Westchester County whom was driven by a cop to a desolate area out of town where he was subsaquently found dead with damage to the body, resulted in an aquittal of the ova'seer. And there was a difference of about a week between that case and the recorded beating of 3 men wrongly identified and dragged of a car by 15 cops in Philadelphia. These incidents following the notorious aquittal of the cowards who murdered Sean Bell.

Today again we who advocate (sometimes unpopularly) for social justice, and the community at large are assaulted by a ruling which should keep us all from feeling secure under the protection of the law. A grand jury finds innocent an off duty officer, driving drunk when he shot the passanger of a car riding parallel to his on the highway, for configuring HIS FINGERS into the bang bang shape of a gun! No weapons found, officer leaves scene and for a short while doesn't report himself, and refuses a breathalizer test when he does! WHERE ARE THE COURTS???
It is not an issue of whether pointing your fingers (thumb and index shaped as a gun) at somebody is a smart move, it is about procedure and sense on behalf of the cop and upholding accountability by the courts. That officer very well may have been a regular citizen (he was in plain clothes; the victim didn't know!) So had it been a regular citizen who shot him would that murderer be on the street right now?

To make matters more intense a story on the next page reports how the NYPD, after being mandated by the courts to release information about stops and frisks (at record highs right now), such info as race, gender and age of those stopped... HAVE REFUSED, and are appealing the decision, claiming 'law enforcement priveledges'. ???WTF???
First off this isn't Iraq! So don't tell me all of a sudden releasing statistics about for example: the percent of 'minorities' stopped and frisked by police, is a threat to security! Secondly, you vow to wear a PUBLIC SERVANT uniform you give up anytype of 'priveledge' not enjoyed by eeevvvveryybody else!
I shouldn't even have addressed these with an assertion. Just sit on the questions i have posed.

Then you have incidents going on in the precints (which have always gone on but) that are seeing the light of day. Some months back a middle aged white woman is straight pounded into a pool of blood. Yes she bickers a bit and pulls away from the cop but he proceeds to cuff her and then REALLY begins his abuse thereafter, tackling her to the ground (and she must have weighed about 80 pounds less than him) and proceeding to fuck her up. Just two weeks ago it happend again with a Black Male Teen who was cuffed and began to squirm. The officer slams him into the cinder block wall, effectively knocking him out cold.
Again... not an issue of whether it is the smartest idea to try and wiggle your way out of a cops handle while you are IN custody; but about procedure! I'm sure the officer hand book does not state: "If given a hard time: slam into cinder block wall". How about trying to neutralize the individual with a more secure grip before throwing him or her around (ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT PERSON IS HALF YOUR SIZE). In a third video (seen below) you will witness an officer telling a hispanic male to learn english, then asking him to get off of the floor. When the man in custody refuses to get up (once again he is cuffed), the officer gets down and starts punching him in the face.

Go on Youtube and type in police brutality and see how many of these fools are being exposed 'doing their job' with a night stick or the tip of their shoe! It is horrendous! And of course it is not only in New York. In Puerto Rico (And you can get this on Youtube -see below- ) a cop literally shot a man in the middle of a crowded street AFTER a struggle: small struggle, cop gets man off of him, cop is pissed off and shoots the guy three times in the head!.

This blog is headed by a video most might find quite funny. It is a kind of petty police brutality incident, but is scary when you consider how young folks cant even enjoy a bit of skateboard freedom without being harrassed. Granted, maybe it was a place off limits for any type of riding for the safety of park goers. But come on! There is a professional, responsible way to do things, and because you are an officer, though you might perceive it the only part of your job you get to enjoy, you do not have the right to aggitate people by whispering demeaning shit while you are making an arrest. Simply make the fucking arrest! I can remember smoking weed in the park once and putting it out when we saw a cop van rolling up. They stopped and asked what we were doing in the park. They stood there awhile asking questions and before they left the one in the passenger side asked me if he'd seen me around before and i answered no (said i looked familiar); the guy in the drivers seat made a final comment before they drove off: "I think he's gay"


How low a former jock will sink! I can only imagine what might have happened had i responded. You can be sure that whatever might've happend, the police report wouldn't have reflected the truth!

^Puerto Rico: Cop shoots citizen on front of a crowd.

^White woman beat while in custody.

^Older Black woman is driving and gets pulled over, dragged out while her seatbelt is still on and pinned to the floor under this jerks knee.

^Young teen in custody is slammed against a wall for squirming in an officers hands.

^"Learn some more english!" a cop tells a man in a cell before punching him in the face repeatedly when the prisoner replies "fuck you!"

***Peace to RODSTARZ and G1, who were arrested for confronting cops they found mistreating a street vendor selling fruit and veggitables on Southern Blvd., and since have become victims of bizzare incidents of harrassment and intimidation***


It is your RIGHT and i would even proclaim RESPONSIBILITY to report police abuse in any manner: physical, verbal, intimidation, etc. You are within your rights and i urge you to use your cell phone to film arrests. This may be intimidating, but if you are in a crowd, you can always make like you are dialing a number, putting it to your ear, and then putting it before your face like you are reading a text, all the while recording it IF YOU DONT FEEL SAFE. But once again, there is no need to do all that.. you can have a giant lens on front of your face, they can only tell you to back up a certain distance but cannot stop you from filming.

You are also entitled to have the officers badge number. They MUST give it to you. If you see a peculiar arrest take badge numbers, or if you yourself are being arrested and there is somebody around you may ask that that person take down the badge number.

Police Brutality is REAL
and it is an epidemic ESPECIALLY in low income areas of color
where cops from the suburbs are sent out to, often baring anomosity because of their beliefs on immigration for example, or simply their racism. This includes black and latino cops who often patrol these areas looking down on their own kind because they might have been afforded some level of priveledge enough to get out of the hood and forget about the positives, having forgotten about places they'd been offered to stay when the lights went out or meals they were blessed with when shit couldnt stretch to the end of the month.


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